Wendy Wyatt
When Andrew Will winemaker and owner Chris Camarda first began making wine he put his phone number on each cork. Middle of the night phone calls from enthusiastic wine drinkers ensued. You will note, he no longer does that.
If you would like to contact Chris with questions about his wines you may reach him at CHRIS@ANDREWWILL.COM. Otherwise, feel free to reach out to us at INFO@ANDREWWILL.COM or call us at 206.463.9227.
Please note that we do not have a tasting room facility and are not open to the public for wine tastings or events.
Wine Club Members...
If you are a wine club member and are in the area from out of town and would like to stop by to say hello and purchase some wine please give us a call. We will try to accommodate you. We hope you understand that we are a tiny staff so it may or may not work out. But we do enjoy putting faces to the names we know from our mailing list.
If you would like to pick up your ordered wine at the winery, business hours are preferred. We will try and make weekend arrangements if necessary but we appreciate a couple of days heads up.

Sign up...
Also, we throw a rocking annual party in early fall for members of the mailing list. Another reason to join. If you are not already a member we encourage you to sign up on our Wine Club page.
Thank you for visiting our site. We hope you enjoy our wines.